AnC Tube Certification and Validation Services
A solution for tube sealing production issues
AnC Precision offers several solutions to your production problems.
- AnC offers classes at our facility
- AnC can schedule a class at your facility
- AnC offers Tube Certification & Testing
- AnC offers exclusive “Burst Test” analysis of your tubes
- AnC offers Consulting on Tooling / Set-up for production
- AnC recommend solutions for difficult tubes
- Contact us today for the solution that best fits your schedule and equipment

AnC is often referred to as ‘The Dean of Tube Sealing” because of our extensive knowledge and experience in the tube filling & sealing industry. Through our extensive tube seal testing, validation and diagnosis services we can help identify production issues- and solve them fast.
Our lab focuses on answering the following questions to solve tube sealing production issues:
o Is it the tube?
o Is it the machine?
o Is it the product?
o Is it the setup?
AnC Tube Certification and Validation Services
One of the unique services we provide at AnC is a Certification of plastic tubes. AnC will Certify any batch of tubes using our patented process to verify the tube is seal-able and what burst limits the tube may have in production.
AnC is the first in the industry to provide this service for Hot Air Tube Sealing Manufacturers and Tube Manufacturers. Testing Plastic Tubes can help prevent waste, frustration and conflicts in the future. Imagine knowing before you start that during process if the tube fails to seal properly, that you have eliminated the tube as problem and save time and resources by turning your attention to the machine or process.
Click here for a sample of the Certification you receive from AnC Precision

Certificate of Testing and Validation Sample

Legal Assistance Services
Anc Provides “Expert” witness services in legal battles between Manufacturers & Tube Industry Processors. Our Scientific instruments have proven to the key measurement in providing standards that help resolve legal conflicts.
Conflicts in the industry have long been an issue of hear say and assumption. AnC Precision Scientific Instruments give each party clear scientific data on what the product can handle and why failure resulted in a particular process. AnC is able to customize their machines and procedures to exactly match a processors set-up them provide burst testing on tubes to certify the strength in that particular lot of tubes and verify that the machine being used is capable of properly sealing that tube and at what levels of success.
AnC makes all the production tooling and gadgets that our customers say they always wish they had!
Want our Lab in YOUR Facility?